About Us

Hey, friend. Back in 2022, my world was rocked when my sweet Bucky was diagnosed with cancer. That moment wasn't just a wake-up call, it became the very heartbeat of a new journey I never expected to embark on.

Growing up with the Cali sunshine on my face, I've always believed that what we put into our bodies matters. Food isn't just sustenance; it's our daily dose of love, care, and healing.

When Bucky's diagnosis came through, I dug deep – not just into my heart, but into the very essence of nature. And what blossomed from there was 'The Barkery', a place where love meets nutrition.

Think handcrafted treats, brimming with intention, pure ingredients, and a sprinkle of Cali magic. From turmeric wonders to spirulina surprises, every nibble is a testament to our journey.

But I didn't stop there.

Embracing my inner 'dog foodie', I dove headfirst into the world of canine nutrition and guess what? I came out the other side a certified Canine Natural Nutritionist.

It's more than just a title; it's my promise to you and your furry friend. So, whether you're here for the heartfelt stories or the mouthwatering treats, know this: Every bite from 'The Barkery' carries a piece of our story, a piece of my heart, and a whole lot of love.