black dog scared under a chair for blog how to calm dogs in thunderstorms

6 Effective Ways to Calm Your Dog during Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms can be a source of awe and wonder for us humans, but for our furry friends, they can be downright terrifying.

The loud thunder, bright lightning, and the sudden change in atmospheric pressure can cause dogs to experience overwhelming fear and anxiety.

If you've ever seen your beloved pet trembling, hiding, or seeking comfort during a thunderstorm, you know just how distressing it can be for them. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to help calm your dog during these challenging weather events.

In this blog, we'll explore why dogs freak out during thunderstorms and provide you with 6 proven ways to help them find their inner calm.

Understanding Why Dogs Fear Thunderstorms

Before we dive into the techniques, let's take a moment to understand why dogs react so strongly to thunderstorms.

Dogs have heightened senses, making them more susceptible to the loud noises, static electricity, and changes in atmospheric pressure that accompany thunderstorms.

Additionally, dogs are naturally more attuned to their surroundings, and when they encounter something unfamiliar or threatening, their instinctual response is to flee or seek shelter.

Thunderstorms combine these elements, creating a perfect storm of fear and anxiety for our canine companions.

scared dog for blog how to calm a dog during a thunderstorm


Create a Safe Space

One of the most effective ways to help your dog cope with thunderstorm anxiety is to create a safe and comfortable space for them.

This could be a cozy corner in a room or a crate covered with a soft blanket. Fill this space with familiar items, such as their favorite toys, blankets, or clothing that carries your scent.

By providing a designated sanctuary, you give your dog a sense of security and control over their environment, which can alleviate their anxiety.

cozy dog bed with beagle under blanket


Provide Distractions and White Noise

During a thunderstorm, providing distractions can help divert your dog's attention away from the loud noises and flashes of lightning.

Play soothing music, turn on a fan, or use a white noise machine to create a constant and calming background noise.

Additionally, interactive toys and puzzles can engage your dog's mind and help redirect their focus, providing a welcome distraction from the storm.

dog playing and interactive game


Calming Chamomile Dog Treats – A Natural Solution

When it comes to combating anxiety, a holistic approach can work wonders. That's where our Calming Chamomile Dog Treats come in.

Infused with chamomile and hemp seeds, these treats are specially formulated to promote relaxation and calmness in stressed dogs.

Chamomile has long been recognized for its soothing properties, while hemp seeds contain natural compounds that can help reduce stress and anxiety.

By incorporating these treats into your dog's routine during thunderstorms, you can provide them with a natural and delicious solution to ease their fears.

Calming Chamomile Dog Treats

calming chamomile dog treats The Barkery Lugano CH 

Gradual Desensitization

Another effective technique for reducing thunderstorm anxiety is gradual desensitization.

This involves exposing your dog to recorded or simulated thunderstorm sounds at a low volume and gradually increasing it over time.

By doing so, you help your dog become accustomed to the sounds associated with thunderstorms in a controlled and safe environment.

Over repeated sessions, their fear response may diminish, making real thunderstorms less intimidating for them.

Thunder Shirts and Wraps

Thunder shirts and wraps are snug-fitting garments designed to provide gentle pressure to your dog's torso, similar to the sensation of being swaddled.

This pressure has a calming effect and can help alleviate anxiety during thunderstorms. These specially designed garments can be particularly useful for dogs that experience severe anxiety and panic during storms.

Putting a thunder shirt or wrap on your dog can provide them with a comforting embrace and a sense of security.

Seek Professional Help

If your dog's thunderstorm anxiety is severe and these techniques don't provide significant relief, it may be beneficial to consult with a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian who specializes in behavior.

They can offer additional guidance and develop a tailored plan to address your dog's specific needs. In some cases, they may recommend medications or supplements to help manage your dog's anxiety during thunderstorms.


Watching our beloved dogs suffer from anxiety and fear during thunderstorms can be heart-wrenching.

However, by understanding their fears and employing these seven strategies, you can provide them with the comfort and support they need.

Remember to create a safe space, provide distractions and white noise, try gradual desensitization, and consider using products like our Calming Chamomile Dog Treats to help calm their nerves.

For more severe cases, don't hesitate to seek professional help. With patience, love, and a little bit of expertise, you can help your furry friend weather the storm and find peace during thunderstorms.

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