dog print in the sand for The Barkery blog: Protect your dog's paws in the summer

5 Tips to Protect Your Dog's Paws

Summer Dog Safety: 5 Tips to Protect Your Dog's Paws and 3 Mistakes to Avoid

As the summer season approaches, it's time to gear up and ensure your furry friend stays safe and comfortable.

One crucial area to pay attention to is your dog's paws.

The summer heat and outdoor activities can pose risks to their sensitive paws. In this blog, I'll share five valuable tips to protect your dog's paws during the summer, along with three common mistakes to avoid.

Plus, I'll tell you all about a fantastic product, handmade and 100% natural (and even lickable) Paw Butter, to help hydrate and safeguard their paws. 

At The Barkery, we specialize in healthy dog treats and handmade dog products, including this nourishing Paw Butter made from coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, and doTerra frankincense and roman chamomile essential oils.

Keep Their Paws Cool and Comfortable:

When the sun blazes, pavements, sand, and other surfaces can become scorching hot, potentially causing painful burns on your dog's paw pads. We’ve all seen the videos of kids trying to fry eggs on the sidewalks. That intense heat will cause pain and even burns to your pups paw pads.

To protect them, plan walks during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Opt for shaded routes or grassy areas to minimize contact with hot surfaces. 

If you're unsure, test the surface with your own hand—if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your furry friend.

dog paws


Hydrate and Moisturize with Paw Butter:

One of the most effective ways to protect your dog's paws is by applying a reliable paw moisturizer like The Barkery's Paw Butter. 

This natural blend of coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, and doTerra frankincense and roman chamomile essential oils provides nourishment and hydration, preventing dryness and cracks. 

Gently massage a small amount onto your dog's paw pads to create a protective barrier against the summer elements. This soft butter absorbs immediately into your dog’s paw pads and won’t leave greasy streaks all over your floors either.

Nourishing and natural this Paw Butter works great to calm inflamed or sore paws as well.

paw butter the barkery


Order Paw Butter Here

Nail Care and Regular Inspections:

Trimming your dog's nails regularly is essential for maintaining healthy paws. 

Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and alter your dog's gait, potentially leading to paw injuries. 

Additionally, inspect your dog's paws regularly for any cuts, abrasions, or foreign objects like thorns. Ticks are also a common discovery when you inspect their paws. It only takes a moment when you get home to open up their toes, check that no thorns or other sticky plants have gotten stuck.

Promptly remove any debris and clean the paws with mild, pet-safe cleansers to prevent infection.

paw and hand on pavement example to protect paws in summer

Avoid Walking on Hot Surfaces:

As mentioned earlier, hot surfaces can be detrimental to your dog's paws. 

Avoid walking your dog on asphalt, concrete, or sand during the hottest parts of the day. Instead, seek out shaded areas or walk on grass or dirt trails. 

But, sometimes you won’t be in an area that is shaded. Consider using protective dog booties to shield their paws from extreme temperatures. They are available in most pet shops and online. Paw booties are an excellent solution when hitting the hot sidewalk is unavoidable. 


Provide Paw Relief with Cooling Mats or Soaks:

To give your dog some relief from the summer heat, consider investing in cooling mats or paw soaks. 

Cooling mats provide a refreshing surface for your dog to rest on, helping to regulate their body temperature. 

Alternatively, you can create a soothing paw soak by filling a shallow basin with cool water and allowing your dog's paws to soak for a few minutes. I could never get my dog, Bucky, to relax enough to soak her paws. So, I would wait until she relaxed and lay down. Then taking dampened and cool washcloths (bonus points if I remembered to put them in the refrigerator before our walks) and I’d gently wrap them around her paws.

This can alleviate any discomfort caused by heat and keep their paws moisturized.

jack russell dog walking on leash on sidewalk


Mistakes to Avoid:

Neglecting Paw Care

Failing to pay attention to your dog's paw health can lead to issues down the line. Stay proactive and make paw care a regular part of your pet's routine.

Using Harmful Chemicals

Be cautious when selecting products for your dog's paws. Avoid using harsh chemicals or human lotions, as they can be harmful if ingested or cause skin irritation.

Overlooking Behavioral Changes

Keep an eye out for signs of paw discomfort such as limping, excessive licking, or reluctance to walk. If you notice any unusual behaviors, consult your veterinarian for further guidance.

paw prints in cement The Barkery Lugano



Protecting your dog's paws during the summer is essential for their well-being and overall comfort.

By following these five tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure a happy and healthy summer for your furry companion.

Don't forget to try The Barkery's Paw Butter, a natural solution that will hydrate and safeguard your dog's paws throughout the season.

Visit our shop today for this and other healthy dog treats and handmade dog products. Together, let's make this summer enjoyable for both you and your beloved pet!

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