dog playing with his toy for The Barkery 5 Indoor Games Blog

5 Indoor Games to Play with Your Dog

Dancing in the Rain with Your Dog for Unpredictable Weather Days

Look, we've all been there – staring outside, watching the rain pour, and thinking, "Now what?" Those gloomy clouds might dampen our spirits, but for our fur-babies? It’s like pressing pause on their daily fun.

Isn’t it so true that "A tired dog is a darn good dog?" Yet, often, we gloss over what this really means. Here's the truth bomb: our vibrant, spirited canines are wired for activity. Just as we crave that morning jog or yoga session, our dogs are on the lookout for their daily dose of play and exploration.

Let me get real with you for a second. My pup, Ciccio, is usually my golden boy – never a shoe chewed or an unexpected "gift" on the rug. But, during one endless rain-soaked week, our bond was tested. Little Ciccio began showing us his displeasure, peeing on the rug (and making sure we watched) or nibbling the couch.

Initially, I was taken aback. Was this my Ciccio? But let’s hit the pause button. Before pointing fingers, I had a lightbulb moment. He wasn’t just acting out; he was echoing his need for stimulation. And whoa, that realization changed everything.

Doggos, bless their hearts, have their own unique way of waving the red flag. When they don’t get what they need, they find other, often less desirable, ways to communicate. So, before we label them as 'naughty,' let's ask ourselves: have we truly stepped up to meet their needs?

Weather's unpredictable, but guess what? Our creativity isn’t. There’s a treasure trove of indoor games just waiting to be discovered. These aren’t just fillers; they’re bridges to deeper connection and joyful memories with your pet.

Ready to transform a rainy day into a bonding day? Let's dive in!

5 Easy Indoor Games to Play with Your Pup

1. Hide and Seek:

(Because sometimes you just need a minute to yourself, even if it's behind the couch.)

Materials Needed: Just you, your sassy self, your dog, and some enticing treats. Did someone say The Barkery?

Level of Difficulty: 2/5 (Unless you're terrible at hiding, then maybe bump it up a notch.)

How to Play: Command a 'sit' or 'stay' (or if your dog's like mine, "Please pause your squirrel chasing dreams for a moment"). Dash off to your secret hiding spot (yes, even the shower counts). Give a shout to your furry detective and reward their Sherlock-level skills when they inevitably find you.

Benefits: Sharpens Fido's senses and deepens the bond. Also, gives you mini heart moments when they run around looking for you.

 dog training The Barkery Lugano

2. Tug-of-War:

(For when you want to test who's REALLY the boss in the house. Spoiler: It's probably them.)

Materials Needed: A sturdy dog toy or rope that can withstand some hearty tugging.

Level of Difficulty: 3/5 (Depending on whether you've had your coffee yet.)

How to Play: Flash that rope in front of your dog until they grab the other end. Commence the epic battle of wits and strength. Remember, it's okay to let them win; it's all in good fun (and for the treats).

Benefits: Full-body workout for them and, let's be honest, a mini workout for you too. Builds impulse control, so they don't pull your favorite pillow apart next time.

3. The Muffin Tin Game: 

(Because who said muffin tins are only for those banana muffins you once tried to bake?)

Materials Needed: A muffin tin, tennis balls, and those irresistible dog treats.

Level of Difficulty: 4/5 (This is like the Sudoku for dogs.)

How to Play: Hide some treats in a few muffin spots, cover them all with tennis balls, and then challenge your dog to a game of "Find the Yummies." 

Benefits: Brainpower booster! Also, you might find a missing tennis ball or two.

4. Bubble Chase: 

(Reliving your childlike wonder, but this time with your four-legged child.)

Materials Needed: Dog-safe bubbles. Make your own using one of these recipes.

Level of Difficulty: 1/5 (If you can breathe, you can blow bubbles.)

How to Play: Blow those bubbles and watch your dog channel their inner cat with leaps, bounds, and perhaps some clumsy tumbles.

Benefits: Cardio for them, and let's face it, unmatched entertainment for you.

 dog playing with bubbles The Barkery

5. The Three Cup Game:

(Ever thought your dog could be on a game show? Now's their chance!)

Materials Needed: Three cups and the magical allure of dog treats.

Level of Difficulty: 3/5 (But 5/5 in adorable reactions.)

How to Play: Line up those cups, sneak a treat under one (all while your dog is watching, of course), shuffle them around, and then let the guessing games begin!

Benefits: Memory boost and some fun moments where they might choose wrong only to try again with double the determination.

dog and owner bonding after playing indoor games from The Barkery blog 

Alright, dog lovers, let the indoor adventures begin! Always remember, it's less about perfection and more about the tail-wagging, tongue-lolling, happy moments you create with your fur-baby.

Heart-to-Heart from The Barkery

We've all seen it – that post-playtime zoomie or the sudden burst of energy after a good game. Sometimes, our fur-babies get a touch too amped up. And hey, who can blame them? But for those moments when your pup's zest feels a smidge too zesty, we've got your back. Enter our Calming Chamomile Dog Treats. Infused with the serene vibes of chamomile and the wholesome goodness of hemp seeds, think of these treats as a gentle hug for your dog's spirit. They’re more than just a nibble; they're a gateway to canine zen.

Calming Chamomile Dog Treats The Barkery

Order Calming Chamomile Dog Treats Here 

Wrap-Up Thought:

Here's the thing: our dogs, with their wagging tails and boundless energy, mirror us in so many ways. They yearn for a balance – a dance of the mind and body. When mother nature throws a curveball, there's no need for the blues. Armed with these indoor games, you'll witness joy, laughter, and maybe a few delightful doggy bloopers. Remember, at The Barkery, we're not just doling out treats; we're weaving a tapestry of total doggie wellness. Here's to creating magic, rain or shine. Play on!

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