woman on beach giving her dog a chia seed dog treat

The ‘Chia’-ful Impact on Dog Health

Alright, dog lovers, gather round!

We've got something to bark about. It's tiny, it's nutritious, and it's got more health benefits than you can shake a stick at.

Yup, you guessed it, we're talking about chia seeds for dogs!

You might have seen chia seeds throughout Pinterest scattered on your avocado toast, tossed in your morning smoothie, or hiding in trendy health bars. But have you ever considered sprinkling them into your dog’s food bowl? 

If you're cocking your head right now like a confused cocker spaniel, don't worry. You're in the right place, and we've got the scoop (not the poop-scoop, the info-scoop).

Bowl chia seeds for blog about benefits of chia seeds for dogs

Why the 'Chia' Should You Care?

Chia seeds are tiny black and white seeds that come from the Salvia Hispanica plant. Fun fact: they are part of the mint family.

Now, these little seeds might look like nothing more than bird food, but don't be fooled. They're like Clark Kent hiding a Superman - small but mighty!

Loaded with nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein, chia seeds are a real superfood for dogs.

'Chia'-Charged Benefits for Your Doggo

Just as these seeds can do wonders for our health, they're also fantastic for our four-legged friends. No, it won't give your pooch the ability to suddenly play fetch with a Frisbee mid-air, but here's what chia seeds can actually do for #DogHealth.

1. Digestive Dynamo:

Chia seeds are a fiber powerhouse, which is great for your dog's digestive system. Imagine fiber as the good-guy conductor of the poop-train, making sure everything runs on time. Regular, healthy bowel movements? That's the chia working its magic.

2. Shiny, Not Shaggy Coat:

The Omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds can give your dog a coat that's shinier than a brand-new squeaky toy. So, if your canine companion's fur has been looking a bit dull, chia seeds could be the ticket to the glossy coat of their doggy dreams.

sweet dog with shiny fur lying in bed


3. Bone Booster:

Chia seeds are also rich in calcium and phosphorus, two important nutrients for maintaining strong teeth and bones. This means more fun-filled fetch games and less chance of dental issues or bone-related problems.

4. Brain Power:

The fatty acids in chia seeds aren't just great for a glossy coat; they also contribute to brain health. These little seeds can help keep your old dog's mind sharp and support cognitive development in puppies.

bulldog with glasses the Barkery Lugano

Incorporating Chia Seeds into Your Dog's Diet

Sprinkling some chia seeds over your dog's dinner might sound simple enough, but remember, even superfoods should be introduced gradually. Start with a pinch and increase the amount over time to avoid upsetting your dog's tummy.

Now, for those of you who are thinking, "Hey, I'm all about making my dog's life better, but I barely have time to measure out my own morning chia portion," we've got you covered.

Here at The Barkery, a proud Swiss dog bakery, we've developed our special Chia Seed Dog Treats. 

Chia Seed dog treats on a white plate - The Barkery

Order your Chia Seed Dog Treats Here


We’ve combined the goodness of chia seeds with flaxseed, coconut oil, and peanut butter (because let’s face it, who can resist peanut butter?).

Not just your ordinary dog biscuits, these treats are a sure-fire way to keep the vet away and the tail wagging. So, if you're looking to boost your dog's diet with something natural, nutritious, and downright delicious, why not give our Chia Seed Dog Treats a go?

Wrap Up

So there you have it, folks! Chia seeds are more than just a trendy human health food. They’re a nutritional powerhouse that can have significant benefits for your dog’s health too. Whether you decide to add some raw seeds to their food or opt for our Chia Seed Dog Treats, there’s no denying the positive ‘chia’-ange these seeds can make.

Visit The Barkery's website today and take the first step in your dog's chia seed journey. After all, a healthy dog is a happy dog, and who doesn't want to see more wagging tails?

Remember, every dog has its day, and with a little help from chia seeds, that day can be every day.

Golden retriever at the beach


Disclaimer: This blog post is not a substitute for veterinary advice. Always consult with a licensed veterinarian before making any changes to your dog's diet.

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